If you feel unable to keep yourself safe, you can go to your local emergency room’s psychiatric department. The closest centres to Raanana are:
You can contact emergency services:
EMS (MADA): 101
United Hatzolah: 1221
These hotlines offer support in English, though some of them may not have English speakers available at all times.
Suicide hotline: 1201 (dial 10 for English)
Anxiety and Trauma victims hotline: 1-800-363363
Assistance for victims of sexual assault and rape:
Women’s hotline nationwide: 1202
Men and youth hotline: 1203
24-hour hotline for victims of abuse, mental and emotional stress: 02-301-1160
Domestic violence: Nationwide emergency hotline 1-800-22-0000
Child protection association: 1-800-223966
Child victims of sexual abuse: 02-6333387/61, *9779
24-hour crisis hotline for religious women: 02-673-0002